
(170 words, 1 minute read)

Do you use twitter dot com? Does it hurt you over and over but still you come back to it? Do you wish that every time you tweeted you would know exactly how many likes it would get within ten seconds? Is your problem with twitter the bots? Namely, that some people aren’t them?

Feedback is the logical conclusion of twitter; all discussion stripped of its pretense of deeper thought, no threadbois in sight, just blissful “I like pizza” and “I hate royalty” and people affirming your priors.

Start with 8 friends and try to get more. How many friends do you need before you’ve “won”? Why stop there? There is no limit to how many friends you can have.

How to play

Click on posts to like them.

Hover over a friend’s picture to learn about them.

Click the + to create a post. Pick a topic and give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Do you love mermaids? Don’t keep it to yourself. Let everyone know.